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We're often accustomed to believing life is supposed to be hard, so we wait til the hard ends to live lightly, more free, with more joy and gratitude... and trust me, this does not mean we pretend we don't carry sadness, anger, etc. My work welcomes it ALL!  


Yet, the lighter feelings are all here now despite whatever obstacles are here, despite what part of your life feels empty or missing.. the road to that fulfillment is dropping into what is here now, learning to feel, devote, and hold yourself to what is here now, which will lead you down a path of LEAST EFFORT. 


{keep reading, love ↓} 



You won't be able to deny your intuition + where life is taking you and life will just feel on purpose with far more faith than makes sense. 


I can claim this fully, as I've walked through the hardest year of my life YET THRIVED… this isn't to say there hasn't been pain + tears, this is to say that LIFE CARRIED ME, {my belief is LIFE is actually GOD - but insert whatever higher power resonates with you!} 


As I kept surrendering to being carried, I kept receiving money, support, emotional support, support on doing an unexpected renovation on my new home on 30 days ?!?!  


ALL while feeling very present with my 5 year old, along with my work with my clients, running group courses, and reigniting my business after being on sacred pause last year. 


Had you told me this time last year, I'd be HERE… I would have said, “Sounds great, but HOW?! There's no way." 


Just because you can't see the way doesn't mean it isn't there!! A life where you EFFORT  LESS for what you need, want, and desire is here already, just for you! 


When you can let yourself be carried, life truly feels EFFORT LESS in heavy times and the times of lightness, there is always joy to be felt, miracles to be received, are you ready to be on that frequency? 




Because we could ALL use more flow, love, trust, and power in these areas. 



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Effort.LESS Masterclass

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