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Are you looking at the world, feeling fear for the whole, frustrated with the judgments, misunderstandings, yet finding yourself in judgment + frustration of others as well?

I know I have.

Are you wondering how you can contribute to the betterment of our future, without getting pulled into the fear + shitty feelings of facebook opinions, while staying in your truth and feeling compassion for others?

Are you feeling drained by all the energy? Whether it’s online or in your environment somehow?

I have navigated this as well, and what I know to be true is that we cannot help improve how we feel when we aren’t willing to go within ourselves deeper to learn + see what is really there.

Ask yourself these questions, “Why am I being so pulled into this specific conversation, debate? Why am I getting so upset about him/her? Why is this triggering me? Why am I so raw, angry, sad, etc?”

Just when I think I know myself, I am shown another layer that beckons me forth to my heart to heal.

If you’ve been wanting to learn or deepen your work around,
  • Holding your inner child
  • Shedding light on your shadow
  • Embodiment of these practices
  • Learning how to move energy in your body through grounding, movement, + nutrition

This Masterclass we will dive into deeper healing of your layers, whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned soul worker.

This is not a normal sit + listen masterclass, as we will be creating integration right there on the call through guidance + listening to our bodies, so that you feel YOUR truth + can carry these practices forward!! 

I have created a powerful workbook for you, full of journal prompts to accompany this course. 
There are prompts for:
- Daily journaling
- Getting to know your shadow
- Honoring your Inner Child
- Tuning into your Body

If you've ever been to my masterclasses, then you know I over deliver because I am so passionate about the women of the world healing!! 

WHEN YOU do this soul work you literally make the world a better place!! Because you my sister are so powerful, so radiant, so vibrant, and my gift is that I see that in you even when you don't see it for yourself. 

I have always been able to see women's higher selves! I see your power, abundance, + beauty you hide from, but you can't hide it from me! So, I hold this vision for you, while we walk through the muddiness of your heart opening + healing so you begin to see her too!! 

This masterclass is just the beginning of this, and I'd love for you to join me! 
If you've already signed up, then YAY!! I celebrate you stepping into an energy space that may feel new or intimidating, OR if you're a seasoned soul worker then you know you're being called to go deeper, and I celebrate ALL of you!! 

If you have someone in mind you think would love this class, feel free to forward this email to them!! 

It's only $22 to join me and you get to keep the recording forever, as you will want to revisit to integrate at a deeper level!

PLUS the Bonus Workbook I've created for you is full of powerful prompts to continue to help you long after the class is done!!

I am so excited to share space with all of you! It's $22 for this powerful embodiment class! 

Being the Change From Within

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